Thursday, July 14, 2011

Swimming Lessons and Waterparks

(Top: Ryan having fun at a local waterpark for kids). Sophie took swimming lessons this year and was a "Rock Star!" (exact words from her teacher) She is a little fish and egtting better every day. We also had the opportunity to head up to a local waterpark, called Signal Bay. The kids were there for 5 hours and had a ball! Here are some snapshots.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Paper Airplanes fun

SO, I didn't realize that our blog was not posting when I asked it to. Sorry for the break in posts! One night, Justin had the grand idea to make paper airplanes. The kids had a blast throwing them around outside. It's amazing how much simple fun you can have with a simple idea! Sophie did pretty well, and Ryan...well, it didn't go far, but it sure was a cool plane! :)