Looks like Santa enjoyed his treats. Sophie decided he needed pretzels & fruit-hey-he can't always have cookies & milk!
Justin got his PS3 game, & he loves it!
Sophie got a new backpack for school (princess, of course), & was excited that Kitty could fit inside when she takes it to Preschool. By the way, Kitty often waits for Sophie at the office desk outside her Preschool class where she can always see her (Kitties aren't allowed in preschool!).
Hooray! Santa brought the flashlight. Sophie immediately zoomed off "lighting the way" wherever she or anyone else needed to go. We're surprised the abtteries haven't run out yet.
Lauren got her Roomba!!! (robot vacuum) We've had fun watching it zoom around the house cleaning. It's pretty cool!! It still needs a name (we just call it Roomba)..any ideas?