Monday, March 28, 2011

Family Bowling time!

Finally! A Saturday without several obligations! With a lazy morning filled with waffles & playing galore, we headed on down to the bowling alley for some more family fun. We all had a great time, and Lauren got the high score (thanks to some possible bumper help, Justin's poor bowling, or Lauren's mad skills...we'll never really know!) :). Ryan also gave it a try, and at one time tried to chase the ball down the aisle. He slipped with a great fall, and we are all so bummed that we didn't get a video of the whole event, since Lauren chased after Ryan. It was like a scene out of a movie, or even a cartoon, for that matter. Ryan slipped, then Lauren slipped, feet flying in the air, & we're scrambling to get off the stupid lane. It was all quite funny (& a little embarassing)! We left a fun game and ate at Cici's pizza buffet. It was a long-awaited, fun family day, and we plan to do them more often.


  1. Love that you both went sailing down the lane!

  2. By the way, for the Therapy nerd in me, check out my awesome body mechanics!!! :)
